Individual and Small Group Tutoring
Online Math (English/Spanish), English Language Arts (ELA), Reading, Science, Spanish ELA, and Social Studies Tutoring for Grades K-12

Welcome to

Dr. Homework

Data + Tutoring = Growth.

Dr. Homework provides parents and students with online tutoring support for homework and skill-building in Math (English/Spanish), English Language Arts (ELA), Reading, Science, Spanish ELA, and Social Studies


Online Group Instruction


Diagnostics & Reporting


Quizzes & Activities


Tutoring available in Spanish


Our Testimonials


What are the costs associated with Dr. Homework, and how does the subscription work?

Dr. Homework operates on a subscription-based model. Here are the details:

Dr. Homework is designed to support students in alignment with local school district education programs. Here’s how we assist:

To sign up for Dr. Homework, you’ll need the following:

Our sign-up process is straightforward:

Joining a public session is easy:

If you need to reset your password, please follow these steps:

Lets get started!